A big thanks to the Edwards family for inspiring this recipe blog.
For some time now, I've been looking for a recipe organizer to put all my recipes in. My father programed one from scratch that was pretty cool; but for some reason it stopped working on my computer and I really wanted something you could search for certain ingredients (i.e. I have tomatoes about to go bad, what can I make with tomatoes?)
I've seen several programs, but never settled on one. Then I stumbled upon the Edwards' recipe blog and realized this was the perfect way to go! Online central database; Everyone can post their own recipes; Can post pictures with the recipes; using labels, you can categorize recipes for easy searching; and there's the general blog search function at the top of the blog for searching recipes by ANY other criteria (i.e. ingredients).
I hope you all catch the vision and help me create a wonderful family tool here!
very interesting recipe! for more easy and delicious gourmet dishes, desserts, and drinks, i always check out www.gourmandia.org.uk.